Well, my three dear girlies--Sunny, Merry and Happy--made a visit to Seacliff State Beach here on Monterey Bay, CA just before they crawled into their envelope and headed out on the first leg of their whirlwind international adventure. There they are, smiling and waving in the brisk February ocean breeze, before the locally famous concrete ship, the S.S. Palo Alto, that is living out its final years as a marine refuge. Beyond the Bay is the Pacific--beyond that is the Great Wide World. Who knows where my dear girlies will end up?
But first, they are headed not over the Pacific, but in the opposite direction, towards the mountains. . . . Flat Papa and I will post their stories and photos as soon as the hospitable people who host our girls send them to us. : )
In the meantime, it seems only fitting to send our girls on with an old Irish blessing:
May the road rise to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back,
The sunshine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields,
And until we meet again may God
hold you in the palm of His hand.